We started out this new professional stage not a long time ago, but we have behind us more than 20 years of experience giving technical support in other companies of the AV sector in Mallorca.

Throughout this time, we have had opportunity to collaborate with many companies, institutions and organizations in a variety of events, such as conventions, meetings, congresses, artistic and sporting events, institutional acts, etc…  in some cases with the involvement of recognized personalities of different fields, for instance: His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the current Dalai Lama, the oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, creators and musicians such as Carles Santos, Tomatito & Michel Camino and Miquel Brunet; the info graphic artist Charles Sandison, communicators as great as José María Carrascal or the publicist Lluís Bassat, among others.

With spirit of cooperation, we want to put our professional experience at your disposal in order to contribute as far as possible to the success of your events.

Rafel Guardiola
Technic Coordinator